Join us for the Fall-protection Trainer Course for Roofing March 26-27.
News Sept. 3, 2024

Register for NRCA’s free Sept. 17 webinar

NRCA will hold a free webinar, Turning Pain into Purpose: From Leadership Burnout to Mental Health Advocate, Sept. 17 at noon CDT.

The construction industry has one of the highest suicide rates among all workers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 6,000 construction workers died by suicide in 2022 compared with about 1,000 workers who died from a work-related injury.

Justin Azbill, director of national environmental health and safety for Milwaukee Tool, will share his story about the day he almost died by suicide. Since that day, Azbill has dedicated his time to telling his story across the U.S. and sharing proactive steps to help others while working to stem the epidemic of deaths from suicide in the construction industry.

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